About Us
Co-established & created by Natasha & Kamil in 2022, with the vision of reframing one’s mind with what happens to an item once you are done with it. Truth be told, nothing leaves this planet. What takes place is a transformation of sorts. Just as energy, a physical object is transmuted too and the exciting thing about this is that we as humans get to play our part in this process. For us, it was using mindfulness and care every step of the way during the piecing together of our Recycled Wine Bottle candles. With the use of natural oils & fragrances, waxes and of course recycled wine bottles.
Not only are we committed to reducing the waste on this planet there’s something else equally as important at play here. More connection creates more opportunity, more opportunity creates a generation thriving with joy, abundance & peace. Our offering to participate in the creation of connection and community is a space on these candles for you - a creator, dreamer, artist. or visionary. Currently working with & sourcing local talent to collaborate with and to bring our newest candle line to life.
We look forward to working with like-minded individuals that are here to raise the vibration along with us, to grow and learn from one another and to share our gifts proudly!
Additionally, we conceptualize that change is the only constant in life and the repurposing of this space allows us to rethink the possibilities, to let creation flow and be as it is supposed to. Aspiring to bring as much light into our life and the lives of others, we hope the spark that we offer ignites joy within you.
Hand crafted with love & purest intentions, always.
Natasha & Kamil